Ordinance 115:2022

Electrical Equipment for Hazard Locations

Learn more about this certification


Electrical equipment designed to prevent ignition of the surrounding explosive atmosphere under specific conditions involving flammable gases, vapors, or combustible dust. Such atmospheres are present in various environments, including oil exploration platforms, refineries, gas stations, automotive paint booths, chemical and pharmaceutical industries, agriculture, textiles, mining, and steel industries. This equipment is regulated by Inmetro Ordinance No. 115:2022, which came into force on April 1, 2022, replacing Ordinances 179 of May 18, 2010, and 89 of February 23, 2012.
This Regulation applies to:

   - Electrical equipment for hazard locations in conditions involving flammable gases and vapors, in environments classified as Zone 0, Zone 1, or Zone 2.

   - Electrical equipment for hazard locations under conditions involving combustible dust in environments classified as Zone 20, Zone 21, or Zone 22.

   - Self-pumping electromechanical equipment, with or without a tank, for filtering diesel oil (diesel oil filter presses); and

   - Instruments designed for the continuous measurement of liquid fuel volumes.

The equipment must meet the requirements outlined in the current ABNT NBR IEC 60079 standards, based on the type of “Ex” protection intended for the equipment.

To comply with this scope, the applicant, importer, legal representative, or manufacturer must apply for certification under one of the following certification models:

Certification ModelModel 5Model 1bSPI (formerly CSE)
Process Conditions:Type tests with evaluation of the quality management system (definitive certification)Batch TestImported products with international certification
Certificate Validity:6 yearsIndeterminateIndeterminate
Valid for:Product Family CertifiedDefined BatchUp to 20 units of the same product model over a period of 6 months
Main Stages:- Compliance document analysis
- QMS audit at the factory
- Laboratory testing
Type test on 6% of the certification batch- Compliance document analysis
- Inspection (supplemented by photographic records)
Maintenance:Every 18 months, without testing (if there are no changes to the initial product)Not applicableNot applicable
Recertification:Every 6 years, without testing (if there are no changes to the initial product)Not applicableNot applicable

Conformity Identification Label:

Selos de Identificação da Conformidade para o Produto

Conformity Identification Stamps for the Product

Field 1 - Complete marking and identification in accordance with ABNT NBR IEC 60079.
Field 2 - Certificate number, in accordance with ABNT NBR IEC 60079-0, including the letters “X” or “U,” when applicable, excluding the complement provided for in item “f” of sub-item of the RAC.
Note: Fields 1 and 2 may be marked differently from the layout provided in the standard.

Selos de Identificação da Conformidade para o Produto de Segurança Compulsório

Packaging identification

Certification Model 5:
Initial assessment consisting of a technical documentary evaluation, testing of samples or prototypes, and a Quality Management System (QMS) audit. This is followed by a product maintenance assessment at the factory, which includes conformity assessment activities and a QMS audit.
Factory audits are conducted in accordance with the requirements outlined in Table 1 and Annexes A and B of INMETRO Ordinance No. 115:2022.
Period of validity of the Certificate of Conformity: 6 years.
Maintenance Assessment: Factory audit every 18 months from the date of certificate issuance. No maintenance tests are necessary unless non-conformities are found during the audit or if there are changes that alter the product's original characteristics.
Recertification: The Recertification Assessment shall be carried out every six (6) years and completed by the date of validity of the Certificate of Conformity. This process is carried out during the last Maintenance Assessment.

Certification Model 1b - Batch Model:
Initial assessment consisting of technical documentary assessment, inspection, and tests on the batch.
Type tests are conducted on six percent (6%) of the certification batch, with a minimum of one unit. The remainder of the batch is subjected to routine tests to ensure compliance with “Ex” protection standards.
Batches that use INMETRO-certified components do not require type or routine tests on their components.
The Certificate of Conformity is restricted to the certified batch. Indeterminate validity period.
This model does not include an assessment of the maintenance of certification.

Status Certification Model for Imported Product (SPI):
This model consists of a technical documentary assessment and inspection of the batch of imported equipment.
It accepts equipment certification from abroad, outside the INMETRO system, provided that a certificate of conformity for products used in hazard locations, or an equivalent document issued by a third party in the country of origin, is presented and valid for the complete equipment.
Certification may not exceed twenty (20) units of the same product model over a 6-month period, regardless of the Certificate of Conformity or equivalent document presented. This limitation does not apply to the certification of Modular Process Units (Skid Mounted).
The Certificate of Conformity is restricted to the certified batch. Indeterminate validity period.
This model does not include an assessment of the maintenance of certification.

  • - ISO 9001:2015 from the manufacturer
  • - Certificate of Product Origin
  • - QAN/PQAN (Production Quality Assurance Notification)
  • - Invoice for entry into Brazil (DANFE)
  • - Product manual translated into Portuguese
  • - Signed Application for Certification of Imported Product Status
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